Hey there!
Are you looking for a way to change your life?
You’ve come to the right place. I’m Ruth and I’m here to help you use habits to improve your health.
You see, ten years ago I competed in and finished a triathlon! I trained for six months and was overweight but fit.
But a couple of years ago, I had some setbacks – several family deaths followed by a sprained ankle sidelined me and took me out of my life.
After crawling back from grief and pain, I began a journey to reclaim my health and wellness.
And it all started with a few habits. Eventually, I started exercising a few times a week and my body really loved it. So I started moving more. Now I’m moving every day. And you should, too! It’s good for you.
I’m hoping to help you find the healthy habits you need to be the best you can be – mentally, physically, and spiritually. Your life depends on it!